Saturday 9 April 2011

Human Calendar


Just a bit of fun with people and numbers but very inspirational. Wacky. I like it!

Thursday 7 April 2011

You Can Learn It Ltd is happy to support
Netbuddy is an award winning site for swapping practical tips and information on all aspects of supporting people with learning disabilities.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Talking Tomatoes

Create your own Animation

Talking Tomatoes are just one of the interesting ideas to create at combining creative writing with learning skills to use the clips in social networks and blogs. I'm sure my students will have fun with these!

Font De Music

Font De Music lets you create movement and sound to words which you can
 then share with a link. Just a simple way to share a greeting.


I found Etherpad this week while investigating some ideas for using with one of my classes.

We need a web based application where we can work on a list for a code of conduct for our network. All the students have their ideas and many are the same so rather than duplicating or having each student create a set of rules each then pulling them together the old fashioned way, Etherpad is a solution.

Similar applications are : and